Saturday, 10 January 2009

Postcard 2: Aberglasney, the garden lost in time

The photograph shows a silhouetted John Rudd in the garden at Aberglasney in Carmarthenshire. However, the person that I particularly associate with this secret 'garden lost in time' is the poet, John Dyer. Wordsworth admired Dyer, and wrote a sonnet addressed to him, which begins 'Bard of the Fleece'.

Daffodils have been out in the garden since early December: I wonder what Wordsworth would think of that. A firecrest caused great excitement when it was spotted before Christmas.

I have a number of favourite Aberglasney and John Dyer books: I have listed a selection of them below.
  • A Garden Lost in Time by Penny David (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999)
  • Nine Green Gardens by Gillian Clarke (Gomer, 2000)
  • Grongar Hill & Other Poems by John Dyer (The Grongar Press)
  • The Fleece by John Dyer (The Cyder Press, 2007)
  • Writers of Wales: John Dyer by Belinda Humfrey (University of Wales Press, 1980)
  • The Poems of John Dyer edited by Edward Thomas (Llanerch Enterprises, 1999)
  • Selected Poetry and Prose by John Dyer (Trent Editions, 2000)

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